New Scholarship Helps Veterans Seeking Line Worker Training

Published Date: May 19, 2021

Erich and Morgan Holderer wanted to do something to honor the legacy of Morgan’s brother, but they didn’t know what that something would be – until a drive in the fall of 2020 they will never forget.

“We passed the Bishop State Community College line worker training facility that Alabama Power partnered with and we just both looked at each other and had an ‘ah-ha’ moment,” Erich said. “I think we said, ‘Wow, this is it!’ at just about the same time. We just knew that’s what we wanted to do.”

That ‘it’ was helping veterans who needed financial assistance to become a lineman, but the desire to help these future line workers didn’t start on a drive down Dauphin Island Parkway, but rather almost two years earlier – on Christmas Eve 2018, when Morgan’s brother, John Burge III, died in a car crash in Mobile.

“When my brother passed away, we were just all shocked,” Morgan said. “My brother had a three-month-old baby who is two now and a four-year-old son, and our biggest thing was keeping his memory alive.”

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About the Bishop State Community College Foundation:

The Bishop State Foundation has provided Bishop State Community College with private philanthropic support since 1993, serving as the vehicle through which individuals and organizations may invest in the college and its students. As an independent 501c3, the Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides funding and resources annually for scholarships, book grants, emergency funds, and other critical needs of the college.

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